Tahdzir Syaikhunal Mifdhal Hamzah Ba Syu'aib Al Hadhramiy حفظه الله terhadap Ahmad Ba Najah
Tahdzir Syaikhunal Mifdhal Hamzah Ba Syu'aib Al Hadhramiy حفظه الله terhadap Ahmad Ba Najah. Telah diterjemahkan oleh Al Akh Al Fadhil Muhammad Al Hindiy حفظه الله ke dalam bahasa Inggris.
Baa Naajah did not bother Ahlus-Sunnah in clarifying his condition
What is the condition of Ahmad Baa Naajah?
Question answered by our Shaykh:
Abu Hamza Hassan Ba Shu'ayb
-may Allah preserve him and protect him and increase him in knowledge and virtue-
Delivered on:
Khamees the 2nd of Rajab 1443H.
In: Masjid Ibn Baz, may Allah have mercy upon him.
In: Ad-Dees Ash-Sharqiyyah, Hadramawt, Yemen.
⏳ 02:15
What is the condition of Ahmad Baa Naajah?
They mention that some brothers in Indonesia are decieved by him because he used to be a caller there?
As for now, then his condition has become clear, this Baa Naajah's condition has become unveiled by himself, and he threw himself upon the path of Ibn Hizaam, rather perhaps worse.
So now, if he isn't abandoned by Ahlus-Sunnah, then he is near enough abandoned.
And some people don't bother Ahlus-Sunnah in clarifying their condition, he did it by himself, he didn't bother Ahlus-Sunnah, and it didn't cost Ahlus-Sunnah anything, but verily he did it by himself clarifying his condition and gave relaxation to the people.
So now, he doesn't have a major standing with Ahlus-Sunnah, if he's not abandoned, then he is near enough abandoned, so abandon him! abandon him, Na'am. And don't busy yourselves with him.
And I advise the people in Indonesia and other than Indonesia to abandon him, and abandon the likes of him of the Mumayi'een who seek to make it crooked, so we say to these ones who seek it to be crooked, Ahlus-Sunnah are watchful over you.
Wherever you descend, in Indonesia or in Malaysia, or Britain, or in America, Na'am. So don't try to dupe and decieve the people there, for Ahlus-Sunnah are watchful over you.
So I advise Ahlus-Sunnah to abandon Baa Naajah and the likes of Baa Naajah who seek for it to be crooked.
Na'am, Baa Naajah exposed himself by himself, during the time that Ibn Hizaam got exposed he went and threw himself in his embraces, Na'am, which points towards that Baa Naajah has a small intellect, even though he is intelligent, but he has a small intellect.
And Allaah knows best.
Translated by:
Abu 'Abdillaah 'Omar bin Yahya Al-'Akawi
(Dijawab Oleh : Asy Syaikh Abu Fairuz Abdurrahman bin Soekojo Al Qudsiy Al Jawiy -hafidzahullah- )
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